Before you evacuate...."wrap it and run"
Fire Foil offers this product
as a means to reflect infrared heat gain from brush or forest fires near
your home. No warranties or guarantees are implied. This product
is sold as a last chance effort to save your home before you evacuate due
to an approaching fire threat by significantly reducing heat transfer.
Fire Foil Installation
Simply staple fire foil
to your walls
Cover all flammable surfaces
Wrap all combustible surfaces with Fire Foil.
Secure with wire, staples, screws or nails. Pay close attention
to all vertical surfaces as these are most prone to combustion when subjected
to intense radiant heat.
On wooden walls use a hammer stapler or secure
with non flammable strips and screws. The highly reflective surface
of Fire Foil bounces the infrared heat away from the surface and prevents
spontaneous combustion.
Wrap the entire home, secure with steel wire,
staples, screws or nails.
Attempt to cover all combustible surfaces if time
permits. The exterior
walls, wood trim and especially windows are the
most important, roof last.
Fire Foil can be effectively used to protect
your cars, propane tanks, boats, motor homes, anything that can be damaged
by an intense fire passing by.
Make sure top and sides are completely covered
It is a wide spread thought that homes burn down
due to flying embers or sparks on the roof. Fact is, most roofing materials
have a fire rating that can withstand such exposure. What then causes
the fire? Intense radiant heat generated by a traveling wall of fire
striking a vertical flammable surface. Within minutes the walls
are on fire.
Notice the only thing not burning in this photo
is the roof.
Typically, within minutes (depending on the
absorbtivity of the surface), spontaneous combustion results and whatever
is on the receiving end of the radiant heat quickly reaches its flash point
and burns. It is not uncommon to have curtains inside the
home spontaneously combust from intense infrared heat coming through the window.
Dual pane windows cannot withstand the intense heat and most often break
allowing flames, sparks, smoke and heat into your home.
Fire Foil effectively bounces
radiant heat from flammable surfaces until such time the radiant heat subsides
as the fire passes. Fire Foil field testing on a wood surface
show minimal heat gain even after intense radiant heat exposure while exposed
wood bursts into flames.
To view Fire Foil testing click here.
We are not fire experts. We are however experts
at understanding the movement, effects, sources and problems caused by radiant
heat. We have learned that there are only two ways to limit the effects
of infrared heat:
1) Absorb it and deal with the heat gain
2) Reflect it and change the direction
Changing the the direction of infrared heat at
the surface of your home into one that is highly reflective is the best insurance
against losing your home to fire.
Fire foil is 50"
Fire Foil comes in rolls 120
feet long
Cost: $85 per roll plus shipping.
Typical 1500 square foot single
level home requires six rolls.
Hammer Tacker: $30 includes 3,000
Shipped UPS or special delivery available.
Fire Foil offers this product
as a means to reflect infrared heat gain from brush or forest fires near
your home. No warranties or guarantees are implied. This product
is sold as a last chance effort to save your home before you evacuate due
to an approaching fire threat by significantly reducing heat transfer.
Back to Fire Foil home page click here
Email us if you have questions click here
Call and place your order now!
602 789 1699
Phoenix, Arizona
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page design and maintained by B Rad Design
Copyright 2003 all images and text copyrighted by Firefoil.
All rights reserved and violators will be prosecuted.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders.