Fiberglass only slows heat movement and allows energy wasting infrared heat to pass right through it...get the facts, read below!

best home insulation in the world! radiant barrier chips, radiant barrier radiant barrier raidiant barrier, home insulation, insulation insulation insulation insulation insulation insulation

New Blown-in Radiant Barrier Insulation! Now availalble in a simple, do it yourself form!

EcoGuard Radiant Barrier Chipstm

New Dealers and Distributors Welcomed!

Radiant Barrier Chipstm

Proven to be the highest performing insulation available

NEWS FLASH! Now you can install the revolutionary RBS Chip yourself! We will ship you the hose, the RBS Chips and small easy to use installation blower (modified leaf blower). Links to this new development being created as you read this so come back and visit us soon for more details!



How does it work?

Your home without radiant barrier

Your home with radiant barrier

Why Chips?

The chip configuration was designed to overcome several anomalies with existing sheet-type radiant barrier systems (RBS):
1) Difficult to install
2) Performance degrades over time due to dust accumulation
3) Roof overheats if placed near roof decking
Stapling RBS under the roof is difficult, and causes accelerated roof temperatures leading to premature roof degradation. Further, since RBS works by reflecting infrared heat, it is important that the reflective surface stays reflective. When RBS is laid flat over existing insulation, it offers itself to the accumulation of dust and a gradual decrease in reflectivity which reduces the performance. When applied as a multi-layed chip, the top layers become dusty while the layers below continue to block unwanted radiation for the life of your home...we know, it’s been tested by the Florida Solar Energy Center in 1989 and we have installations in dusty Phoenix since 1988.

Since the RBS Chip is designed to reflect heat flow away from your insulation, it's important to allow this heat to escape. We add dormer vents or power venitilators on every installation. Click here for photo The Universal Building Code (UBC) section 15, requires a minimum of 6.6 square feet of ventilation for every 1000 square feet of attic area. Our survey of new and existing homes have shown most homes fall short of this. An option to adding more vents is the installation of a powered attic fan. Be certain that it moves at least 1280cfm of air for proper ventilation.

  • Do it Yourself and SAVE!


    RBS Chips can be shipped to your home in a few small boxes. Each box contains 10 pounds of RBS Chips which will cover between 300 and 500 square feet. The coverage depends on how smooth the top surface of your existing insulation is. Fiberglass batts and blown fiberglass need more chips for best coverage. Blown cellulose (light grey), and rock wool (very dark grey) are smooth so expect good coverage. You may want to blow a thin layer of cellulose over batt or blown fiberglass insulation to create a smooth surface for the RBS Chips (recommended), which will allow you to use less RBS Chips for proper coverage.

    We have just developed a small but powerful installation blower that can shipped to you with the chips and an installation hose. A deposit of $200 (secured by a credit card), is all that's needed plus shipping. Total shipping averages $50. An installation video is included with each order to insure proper installation, correct coverage and tips. A typical installation on a 1500sq foot ranch home takes about an hour.

    Safe Product

    RBS Chips are easy to work with, non-toxic, non-irritating and require no safety equipment for handling. We do however suggest you wear a quality High Efficiency Particulate Air filter (HEPA Mask) when working around or with conventional fibrous insulation products. Please read all warnings!

    Easy to Install

    Simply blow the RBS Chips over your existing attic insulation as seen in the photo below. You may also have a local insulation contractor install them for you, or do it yourself with our new system. You need only to cover your existing attic insulation completely. This usually requires a layer of RBS Chips about 1/2" deep.

    Cost of RBS Chips

    The cost of the RBS Chip installed (locally here in the greater Phoenix area), is 80 cents per square foot. However, we can ship them to you for 49 cents per square foot plus shipping. Simply determine the square footage of your attic area (living space), and email us your information. Our energy auditors will determine the necessary venting and costs and get back to you.

    For RBS Chip testimonials click here

    • Fire Rating: All of our RBS products have acceptable fire ratings which have been documented by the film manufacturer and can be used in residential and commercial applications.
    • Bio/Hazard Ratings: Radiant Barrier Chips are non toxic, non irritable and do not require protection when being handled.

    Call 602-789-1699 for more information, or email us with your needs or questions.

    We accept all major plastic

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