radiant barrier chips attic
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conservation, radiant barrier and insulation, pink panther, Owens Corning,
fiberglass insulation, fiberglass, saving energy

Installing RBS Chips Yourself

Installation videos click
here, here, and here
Save 25% to 50% on your
heating and cooling bills and increase the comfort of your home.
Hard to believe? Order a
sample and feel the performance in your hand. You can feel your body
heat being reflected back to you within seconds.
RBS Chips have been
proven to be the most effective attic insulation in the world. Now,
for a limited time, there is an opportunity to purchase RBS Chips direct
from the manufacturer and install them yourself.
Getting Ready:
- Remove or temporarily relocate all items in the
attic above the attic insulation. The goal is to cover as much of your
attic area as possible with RBS Chips. You can move the items back over
the chips when you are done.
- Determine what type of insulation you have now by
looking at the pictures below. Blown in fiberglass (the most commonly
used), can be white, yellow or pink and lumpy. This is not
good. RBS Chips require that the top surface of the insulation be
relatively smooth to insure best performance. If lumpy, the Chips tend
to build up in the low areas while leaving insulation exposed. Exposed
insulation is a path for energy to move. There are two ways to deal with
this: 1) Go to Home Depot and buy ten bags of cellulose insulation, they
will let you use the machine and hose for free for two days. Blow a 2"
cap over your existing insulation using the cellulose insulation. The
finished surface will be ready for RBS Chips. 2) Pat the high spots of your
existing fiberglass insulation with a kitchen broom or piece of thin
plywood. Don't worry about losing efficiency of the insulation by doing
this, the RBS Chips on top will more than make up for any losses in through
conduction. If you have batt insulation (rolled out blanket type), with
or without the paper backing, it is recommended that you go the 2" of
cellulose cap prior to blowing in the chips. If your ceiling rafter are
showing (as seen below), sufficient cellulose insulation should be blown in
prior to adding the Chips.
Now would be a good time to wrap your ducts with our RBS Wrap
- Set up the light and blower in the farthest
corner from the attic opening.
- Blow in the RBS Chips not like the cellulose
which is done by aiming the hose at your intended area, but by blowing them
into the air like a cloud. Allow the chips to settle on top of one
another until the area is covered and no more attic insulation can be
seen. Apply to 1/3 of the attic area and determine from that point how
many boxes of chips you have left.
- Work back towards the attic opening as you
install the chips, having the cords for the light and the blower pulled behind
you as you go. It's easy to talk through the hose so this can be
communicated to the person feeding the hose from down
Some basic facts:
- RBS Chips have been proven to be the best investment
for saving money
- Satisfaction Guaranteed: Performance and comfort
or your money back
- RBS Chips are easy to install (actually, it's quite a
visual experience!)
- You can use our installation equipment for 10 days
- All of this is shipped UPS to your front door in
a few boxes
- Installation takes two people and 45 minutes per 1000
square feet of attic area
- Improve the comfort of your home forever in one
weekend for about $1000
- Can be blown over flooring in the attic
- Unaffected by dust, gravity, moisture or time.
Never add attic insulation again.
- Warmer winters
- Cooler summers
- Longer lasting air conditioners and
- Increases the value of your home
- Faster return on your investment as energy costs
Blower, hose, light,
masks, cords and instructions
are shipped to you in one box
RBS Chips
shipped separately in 20lbs boxes
If this is what your attic looks like now, more
insulation needs to
be added to make it level.
Same attic after adding more cellulose.
This is what you want
to see when finished with adding blown
cellulose. RBS Chips perform best when
installed over fairly
level surface. Home Depot will let you
use the cellulose installation
machine for free if you buy at least nine
bags of cellulose. You will
need 5 bags per 1000 square feet.
RBS Chips being blown in over attic
insulation. Millions of highly reflective surfaces change the direction
of heat. No dust, quick and easy. You will be able to
feel the difference the same day. More comfort is immediate and RBS chips last
No settling, unaffected by dust, never add more insulation
Finished attic after RBS installation should
look like this. A blown-in, flexible Thermos
bottle is basically what
this product represents. Keeps heat out in summer, in during
If you have blown fiberglass in your
attic now

This is blown in fiberglass, not level enough for good performance of
RBS Chips. If this is your attic you will need to add a layer (about 2"),
of blown cellulose over the top of this. Home Depot has cellulose and a
blower that can be used for free if you purchase at least 8 bags.
Typical cost per bag is around $9.

Preparing the attic for RBS Chips.
Instead of blowing in cellulose, it's possible to pat down the blown fiberglass
with a kitchen broom or a yard rake as an option to adding more cellulose.
Time consuming but effective. Don't worry about losing performance by
compacting the existing insulation as the RBS Chips on top of this will more
than make up any slight loss in convective or conductive heat transfer. We
have installed RBS without any insulation with great results over garages and
commercial applications.
If you have batted fiberglass in your attic
Uneven fiberglass batts in attic over wiring,
plumbing, framing members. This is is not
level enough for proper
performance of RBS Chips. To fully take advantage of
RBS Chips, there
should be as little attic insulation showing as possible.

After adding cellulose over the fiberglass batt
insulation. Now you can see
how much better the chips will perform over
a more level surface.

Chips installed over the blown
in cellulose. These
photos were taken by one of our do-it-yourself
If you have blown-in cellulose in your attic

If you already have blown-in
cellulose in your attic now, this what it should look like.
No exposed
rafters and a level top surface. Simply blow RBS Chips on top of
(notice soffit vent that was added) Venting is part of adding any
radiant barrier to
an attic. The rejected heat has to go somewhere and
out the vents is best.

Blown cellulose insulation is
completely covered by RBS Chips.
With rising natural gas and heating oil
prices, this is the time to be prepare your
for the cold weather. RBS
Chips work equally well in hot or cold climates! Helps
prevent ice dams
and allows for moisture egress so no mold/mildew problems like
rolled out or
sheet RBS products.
Questions on applications or product? Email us: click here
"Our old (75 Year Old, remember I sent you
pictures of the new standing seam roof) house feels so different. There is
an even feeling between each room now that there was not before. I can't
wait till we get a really hot day just to see how this new insulation is
working, yet I can already tell that the morning chill that was so obvious is
not there."
Thanks so much. Angie C. Ventura
Q What if I have to go
into the attic for repairs after the chips are installed?
A Just move the chips and insulation aside where you need to
work and move them back when you are done. You should have some RBS Chips
left over from the installation. Use them if needed to add more by hand at
a later date.
Q Will more chips need
to be added to maintain performance?
A No,
the patent on RBS Chips has to do with the dust issue and will continue to
perform regardless of how much dust has accumulated on the top surfaces.
This is why ONLY RBS Chips carry a transferable, lifetime performance
warranty. To see our warranty click here. This is the
last thing you will ever need to do to your attic insulation.
Q Will dust or gravity affect the RBS Chips
over time?
A No, the RBS Chips are
NOT affected by dust like single layered RBS laid down flat in your attic.
Further, the settling problem which degrades conventional insulation over time
does not affect the performance of RBS Chips.
Are the RBS Chips
No. RBS Chips are non toxic and have a
class III fire rating
Q Will RBS Chips trap
A The shape and size of the RBS
Chip prevents moisture from condensing on the product thereby eliminating this
problem. Moisture can freely pass through RBS Chips thereby eliminating
problems associated with trapping or condensing moisture.
Q Why do RBS Chips cost so
A We are using over ten times the amount of product of other
companies using only a single sheet of RBS in the attic. This is
also what allows us to offer a lifetime performance warranty. Be sure and
ask the supplier or sales person what (if any), performance warranty is offered
before you purchase any RBS
product. Sheet RBS has many viable applications but the attic is not
one of them.
If you have any questions not
addressed here or would like to contact us for answers regarding a specific
application, please contact our Phoenix office at: 602-867-3176
Questions on applications or product? Email us: click here
What does it cost to buy radiant
barrier chips? RBS Chips don't cost, they pay. Pay in comfort and
pay by reducing your energy costs...all year, everyday, forever.
This investment is $250 per 20lb box (1/2 boxes available). which includes
shipping UPS ground to your front door.. One 20lb box measures 10" square
and covers between 350 and 400 square feet of attic area over blown
cellulose or prepared attic space. How many pounds do I need? Figure
22 square feet per pound. For a 2000 square foot attic: 2000 divided by 22
is: 90.9 so close to a hundred pounds or 5 20lb boxes.
RBS Chips
are not designed to be used in walls. For wall applications, use our
latest product, "Thermal Control Membrane". Click here for more information on
The sooner your install it, the more you
Makes your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the
Click here to
Each box of RBS
Chips covers between 400 and 450 square feet of attic area depending
on how level the top of your existing attic insulation is.
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Questions on applications or product? Email us: click here
House in danger of
fire? click here
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is subject to change without notice. Other
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