What your energy bill looks like after switching to ductless technology. And more comfort, and cleaner air, and less noise, and no maintenance.
Ductless FAQ Page
What is a Ductless Mini Split Heat Pump?
As the name suggests, it's a small heat pump that does not have ducts. Only an outdoor condensing unit and an indoor
coil. With no ducts there are no associated losses.
Why are they so much more efficient than a ducted system?
Between not having any air leaks (which can cause energy wasting pressure differences in the house), and not having
an air distribution system located in a scorching attic in the summer or a freezing crawlspace, a ductless system provides
100% of the conditioned air into the room with zero losses.
What does "inverter" mean?
Inverter control relates to how the system operates. Virtually every ducted system we are all used to have two speeds: 100%
capacity at all times or off.
Inverter systems vary the amount of energy required for the system to run based upon the load at the time. Rather than turn
on and off, an inverter driven ductless system slows down the compressor, the indoor fan and the outdoor fan. Once the room
gets to the desired temperature, the system slows down and provides a constant, even temperature during operation for both
heating and cooling.
Do I have to remove my entire ducted system?
No, you can leave your existing system in place.
I don't want anything on my walls, what are the options?
There are several alternatives to having a wall unit installed but the cost of equipment and labor is more than double the
cost of a wall mounted system. These are called "ceiling cassettes" or "concealed ducted systems". (See our images for
a look at these options)
Do ductless systems make much noise?
The operating decible range on ductless systems ducts is 30 decibles, same as a whisper
How much power is needed for ductless system?
The power requirement for ductless systems (depending on the SEER) ranges from 700Watts to 900Watts per ton
Can these units be solar powered?
Yes, we now offer a solar powered option for ducted mini splits. Four 300Watt panels per ton is required. 30% Federal
tax credit applies to the entire systems
I hear claims of "improved indoor air quality", why?
No fiberglass in plenums, air boxes or air handlers means there is no fiberglass in your airstream
More information:
A ductless Mini Split is a small split system heat pump or air conditioner that has no ducting, just a wall or ceiling mounted blower
which cools one room at a time. This is called "zoning".
Call 602 789 1699 for a free estimate!
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